Sacramental Services


This sacrament initiates a person into the Catholic faith and to God's family. This also washes away of the original sin and bringing sanctifying grace to ones life and soul. It can be administered to infants or adults.

If you would like to have your child baptized, please call the parish office. 
Phone number: 306 382 5503.
or click here for more contact details.


Also known as the sacrament of the Holy Spirit.  It strengthens the recipient’s faith and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.  It involves anointing with holy oil (chrism) and prayer.

If you wish to receive the sacrament of confirmation, please call the parish office.
Phone number: 306 382 5503.


The sacrament of marriage unites a man and a woman in a lifelong covenant. It symbolizes Christ’s love for the Church and calls spouses to mutual self-giving.

Couples wishing to celebrate a sacramental marriage in the Catholic Church are required to contact Fr. Clement and participate in a Marriage Preparation Program. 
Introduce yourselves to Fr. Clement after the mass or call him at least 6 months before your wedding date.
For marriage preparation courses, please visit the Diocesan website:  Https://

Call Fr. Clement at:  306 651 0609

Holy Communion

Central to our Catholic faith and worship.  It commemorates our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. During Mass, bread and wine are consecrated and become the actual body and blood of Christ through transubstantiation -- when the conversion of the substance of the Eucharist into the body and blood of Christ at consecration, but only the appearances of the bread and wine remain.

It is celebrated and shared with the congregation in every mass.

If you wish your child to receive his/her first Holy Communion, please call the parish office.
Phone number: 306 382 5503.

Reconciliation or Confession

This sacrament offers forgiveness for sins committed after baptism. It involves confessing sins to a priest, who absolves the penitent through God’s grace.

Schedule of confession is usually on Saturdays, an hour before the 5 PM mass or by appointment.

Just call  Fr. Clement at 306 651 0609.

Anointing of the Sick

Formerly known as “Last Rites”.  It is not only for the dying but also for those who are gravely ill and want to get better.  It provides spiritual healing and comfort to the seriously ill or those facing surgery. The priest anoints the person with holy oil.

Please call Fr. Clement for appointment at 306 651 0609

Holy Order

In the Sacrament of Holy Orders, baptized men are ordained to serve the Catholic Church as deacons, priests, and bishops. Through this sacrament, the Catholic Church continues the mission of that Jesus Christ first gave to the Apostles---the special mission of preaching the Good News and leading and serving the Catholic Church. Those ordained in the Sacrament of Holy Orders receive the grace necessary to carry out their ministry to the faithful and are imprinted with an indelible sacramental character.

Journey of Faith (RCIA)

Are you interested in or curious about becoming a Catholic or completing your initiation sacraments?
Or are you interested in learning more about our catholic faith? 

We are here to help you respond to God's call and journey with you. 

Please contact
Shawna at 306 715 0735 or email

Car Blessing

If you wish your cars to be blessed, you may talk to Fr. Clement after the mass or you may call the parish office for appointment.

Call phone numbers:
Fr. Clement  306 651 0609
Parish Office 306 382 5503

House or Property Blessing

If you wish your houses or properties to be blessed,you may ask Fr. Clement or call the parish office for appointment.

Call phone numbers:
Fr. Clement 306 651 0609
Parish Office 306 382 5503

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